Signature Cocktail Glass

Recap of Definition 3:

Never stop being interesting!

This is the hardest part of the definition for me because the subject matter is well just that subjective. So let’s take it from an individual “woman” standpoint. Never stop being interesting to me, Kim, is simply defined as: Responsibility to the human race to use your God given intellect everyday for the good of all. Further: Learn something new as often as possible (preferably daily) and put that in your Life Arena Arsenal to be able to pull it out at a moment’s notice and actively engage in a conversation in any given venue. 

Have you ever walked into a room full of people you don’t know? Of course you have, it could be a work or social event, the grocery store, the mall, anywhere. Somebody starts a conversation with you and you just look at them like a deer in headlights, tongue tied. If you have your Life Arena Arsenal packed, locked and loaded, this will never be a problem AGAIN!! I can’t give you a money back guarantee, well because you are not paying me, but I can guarantee you this having a stocked arsenal will make your confidence soar and that truly is payment enough for me. Stocking your arsenal is as easy as 1, 2, 3!!

  1. Start with a subject you know and already know well! You may say, what?? I already know it what good would that do? Knowing a subject well and being able to articulate it well to another at a given notice, are two completely different things! Again the responsibility is on you to rehearse your “elevator speech” to be able to use it whenever the situation presents itself. Well that sounds like work–well it is! But doesn’t anything worthwhile require work and isn’t the price of confidence worth it–YES!! I know Party Planning, I know the subject well, I can talk about it on a second’s notice, please see below! Who doesn’t love a great party!!!
    Chicken Wings
    Signature Cocktail Glass
    Signature Cocktail Glass
    Photo Op Backdrop
    Signature Cocktail Label
    Soldiers ready for Battle
    Cocktail Garnish

    Kim AKA Rick Grimes
  2. Find a subject that fascinates you and learn the heck out of it! Now come on that’s just plain fun! Yay, learning is fun! For example, I have been fascinated by astrology since my teen years, waaaayyyyy back when. I have been rebuffed by those nearest and dearest to me (my husband and others) but I do not let that deter me because I find the subject interesting and am passionate about the subject! And interestingly enough I have had several conversations with people over the years, and recently too boot, who have not necessarily changed their views on astrology but because I have such command of the content, have opened their minds! And that is just one example from my arsenal, command your subjects and you will command your audience.
  3. Don’t limit your learning sources! We all learn and retain information differently! Some of us are visual learners, some auditory and some both! I still love the WWW as the information highway but I also love to hold a hard cover book in my hand or listen to a really great speech given by an eloquent speaker. The goal here is to just learn and retain anyway, shape or form that suits you. 

For anyone reading this right now, know I believe in you and all of your strengths, “get busy living”…Get Busy Learning! The Market’s waiting for you!! 🙂

Join me next time as we explore the fascinating subject of Finance (insert sarcasm here)! 🙂 Until then remember life is the market, be ready!
On to MARKET READY Finance 101!

I encourage you to leave a comment or a success experience you have had!! The Leave a Reply fields are optional, if you want to remain anonymous just fill in the comment section and hit post! Thank you for sharing your experiences and remember “no [wo]man is an island.”

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Author; Blogger; Self-Proclaimed “Woman” of all trades and Self-Proclaimed “Master” of some! AFAA Certified Group Aerobics Instructor since 1998; MA Licensed Real Estate Agent since 1995; former Certified Financial Counselor and Passionate Advocator of Financial Education for Women. Tech Geek; Home Cook & Most Importantly, Mother of 3, my #1 Reason for Living!!!

3 thoughts on “MARKET READY-Take 3

  1. Love it! Great party as always and I will definately be looking forward to the “finance” blog!! 👮💃😘👏

  2. This really blog speaks to me. Recently (in the last few years)I realized that I have a tendency to become dissatisfied with my job/ career about every 3 years or so for the last decade – plus. From this I’ve come to two main conclusions: 1.) I’m bored 2.) I truly have not found the right fit or “my passion”. To keep growing and “being interesting”, short of changing jobs every 3 years, I decided I needed to do some things outside the realm of my J-O-B to keep growing, learning, and yes being interesting. Last year I joined a committee for a charity that I am very passionate about and have learned so much working in that capacity. This year I took on a part time position, totally different from my day job and it has been fun and yes, profitable. Next year, who knows… maybe I’ll take a class, or start a new hobby… I’ll keep reading your blog for some new and innovative ideas!

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