Whether you are new to my blog or have traveled with me these last 3 years, you may know my original concept of “Market Ready” was basically to keep the physical self up to snuff just in case for any reason you had to go back on the “Market”. However, with the collaboration and input of my book editors; family & friends, the concept expanded exponentially to include “Life”—and always being prepared for what it might throw at you.
I recently relocated to a new part of the state where I knew no one professionally. I had a few contacts here and there for employment that manifested to a lot of preparing and interviewing but ultimately not leading to gainful employment. Not my doors. Though I had many transferrable skills, my niche markets in my tenure were basically boiled down to two—banking & fitness with a little more than a sprinkle of the insurance biz mixed in for good measure. I am truly a huge believer if it is not my door, it will not open. It has been proven in my life over and over again—in work & love, that I truly believe in its mystical properties. But I am only human and when a few doors that I wanted to open-didn’t, I started to get down on myself. Did I sacrifice a career life because being a Mother was the only important job to me & always came first…did it/will it cost me future opportunities? I started sliding down the rabbit hole of self-doubt so many of us do…until.
Until the day, my door opened. And as always with your/my door, it was seamless and effortless. Not effortless on the part of preparing and all that jazz. Effortless in the sense of flowing and being able to be yourself right from the get-go. I have had only one other interview like that in my life, many years ago but the feeling is still with me today.
So here I am today, now preparing for the presentation of my career lifetime. This is it, I have 20 years left and want to finally find a career home for myself and my family. I have a great mentor who believe it or not in my Woman Market Ready world, is a man. Forward thinker and appreciative of the whole of a person and what they have to offer beyond tenure tangibles—the value of transferrable life skills. So, I added this slide to my presentation, ready to fill in the bullet points of my value which this Woman will never undervalue again.

We are all a part of lifting each other up in this lifetime. Still love Woman Market Ready’s tagline to this day: Life is the Market, Let’s Be Prepared Together.
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