Serve More Than Coffee

You are the only you, you will ever have.

One day after teaching an exercise class at the retirement community where I worked, a resident came up to me to tell me that her Daughter-in-Law had recently passed away. She was in her early 50’s and had courageously fought but ultimately lost her battle with cancer. Sensing she needed to talk I said, would you please tell me about her. A light came on in the resident’s eyes as she began to speak. She said:

My Daughter-in-Law was a very accomplished woman. She possessed two advanced degrees and held a very prestigious position at a university for a very long time. One day she decided to give it all up to become a waitress at a local coffee shop. We all questioned her decision but she was adamant about making the change. Every day she would go to work and be the best waitress she could possibly be. In no time at all she built up such the clientele that people would wait just to be seated in her section. She offered a laugh when she sensed someone was down; a word of encouragement when she sensed someone just needed that little extra push; sympathy when called for and left love to everyone she served that day. When she died, one of her patrons came up to me at the wake and said “she served more than coffee” …

As the tears streamed down my face the resident said to me: I came here today not just to exercise or to tell you of my Daughter-in-law’s passing. I came here to tell you—you serve more than coffee.

Every day since that day, I am now consciously aware of every interaction I have with the people who cross my path. What we do and say impacts not only the person we are engaging with at the time but every person they come in contact with after. This Woman-Me asks you from here on out.

Serve more than coffee.

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Author; Blogger; Self-Proclaimed “Woman” of all trades and Self-Proclaimed “Master” of some! AFAA Certified Group Aerobics Instructor since 1998; MA Licensed Real Estate Agent since 1995; former Certified Financial Counselor and Passionate Advocator of Financial Education for Women. Tech Geek; Home Cook & Most Importantly, Mother of 3, my #1 Reason for Living!!!