I successfully made it through No Spend January! I set a plan in motion and achieved my goal. I am mainly writing this article as a kind of diary to myself outlining why—why this particular time I not only met goal but did it with such resolve, to which its origin I am not quite sure of. I am a former Financial Counselor and I am very passionate about the subject of Women & money. I have written many articles on the subject such as:
- Reduce Holiday Debt While Simultaneously Saving Money (Even A Little Bit Counts)
- Money Basics-Woman Market (Life) Ready
- Holiday Budget Spending Plan
- It’s All About the FICO you know?
- A Woman’s Guide to Buying a Car—Love or Loathe?
Heck, I even wrote a book with an entire chapter dedicated to the subject!

So why now, why this particular January, was I so successful? Then it hit me—I had changed my mindset AND I didn’t micro to the nth degree my goal! I built in a fail-safe. $200.00 was my fail-safe. I had $200.00 of discretionary money to spend on whatever I wanted. Now I know, that may seem like a lot to some but for me it is what worked in my budget arena and kept me on goal. I have been the CFO of my household for a very long time, trying all the tricks & creative financial accounting imaginable to reach a monetary goal. And now I found the secrets—the fail-safe. Oh and the mindset thing too, don’t let me negate that. They go hand in hand.
So to the paragraph that probably should have come first—why implement a No Spend January in the first place? And to that there is only one answer—financial control. To me 2022 is to be the year of experiences not things. And I love things, no matter what the lady who says if it doesn’t bring joy, dump it. Things & memorabilia I have collected over the years do bring me joy and I will not apologize for that. But it is said to change a habit successfully you need to love something more than the habit. Again, going back to experiences. I love the time spent with family & friends exploring different parts and beaches of my new region. I love being able to throw a big party with lots of spirits & delicious food. I love being financially free to do so.
I will never abandon my financial goals; as a woman I feel there is no better service to yourself and your family than to be the CFO of your own life. No Spend January has taught me I can however simplify the financial bottom line into these components:
- Always have money in the bank for emergencies & just plain life.
- Keep your credit score in check as it follows you your entire lifetime.
- Love something more than the habit you wish to break and build in that fail-safe to all your financial plans.
- Mindset matters, be the change you wish to see in your financial life.
And feel free to review any of the articles I have written & shared above. It’s just the basics but sometimes we all need to do just that—get back to them.
Much success to you!

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