Eat Your Heart Out Skillet Cookie Pie

Valentine's Love

To commemorate Valentine’s Day, my son’s visit from college and the return of The Walking Dead (our favorite show, I am so happy when he is home and we can watch it together) this cookie idea was conceived. He came up with the name of this cookie and those that know The Walking Dead will get its dual meaning!  😛 This cookie pie is for the peanut butter “Lovers” in all of us! 

Happy Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine’s Day! Love, WMR

Cast and Crew-Action!
Cast and Crew-Action!
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Make cookie dough according to package directions. You will have two layers of  cookie dough, I made mine one at a time. Spray a big cast iron skillet with cooking spray and layer the first batch of cookie dough on the bottom of the skillet.
    All Sprayed and Glowing!
    All Sprayed and Glowing!

    First layer down!
    First layer down!
  2. Layer 8 peanut butter cups, on top of the first layer in a circle away from the edges with one in the middle.
    Perfection in a Circle!
    Perfection in a Circle!

    In formation!
    In formation!
  3. Put your second layer of cookie dough on top of the peanut butter cups paying special attention to making sure the ends are sealed.

    Second Layer of Dough!
    Second Layer of Dough!
  4. If desired, take a heart cookie cutter, for ambiance, and press a heart outline in the middle of your skillet and place your Reese’s Pieces all around the heart and skillet perimeter. Bake for 40 minutes.

    A Heart Full of Love
    A Heart Full of Love
  5. Remove your skillet from the oven and let the cookie pie rest for 5 minutes. The cookie pie will seem to be slightly underdone, just let it be you will see how nicely it sets up. Add a scoop or two of your favorite ice cream on top (I chose chocolate for what else—Valentine’s Day) and drizzle if desired with a little melted peanut butter and most importantly savor every bite!!  😀
    Baked with Love
    Baked with Love
    Valentine's Love
    Valentine’s Love

    Happy Valentine’s Day to all of my Sweet Readers 

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Author; Blogger; Self-Proclaimed “Woman” of all trades and Self-Proclaimed “Master” of some! AFAA Certified Group Aerobics Instructor since 1998; MA Licensed Real Estate Agent since 1995; former Certified Financial Counselor and Passionate Advocator of Financial Education for Women. Tech Geek; Home Cook & Most Importantly, Mother of 3, my #1 Reason for Living!!!

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