My name is Kimberly, I am a mother of 3 ranging in ages from 16-30. I have long been fascinated by the incredible strength and resilience of women! Being a woman myself, I have long been fascinated by the incredible strength and resilience of me and from what well does it come from?

The most obvious well, my Mom, Margie. Margie, as I affectionately call her, died in 2014…this whole entire blog and every blog article is dedicated and inspired by my Mother’s life. Margie hailed from Scotland and while in the US working met a military gent (my Dad) and got married. She had 4 children, 3 boys and a girl (me). When I was 7 and she 33, my parents were divorced. Though this story is typical of many, in hindsight it is what started my quest of strength and resilience. A 33 year old divorced, mother of 4 from a foreign country who not only survived but thrived is ≥ strength and resilience in any life story ever written.
The “Woman” in Woman Market Ready is my Mom, Margie. My two older kids called my Mom, “Woman” because my daughter thought that was her name and just started calling her by it one day, followed by my son. That name continued and became what she was known by. The website domain “Market Ready” was already taken so I said well “Women Market Ready” sounds good and just like with all inspiration suddenly something hit me and “Women” became “Woman” to honor my Mom, all she has taught me that I now can relay and share with you. Today I honor you, and all the individuality of each “Woman” in all of us. ♥
So we have touched upon where my well of strength and resilience came from, what qualifies me to share and perhaps inspire you throughout our blog times together:
- I have two college degrees. I received the valedictory award for both degrees at the age of 34 and 37, respectively. My motto has always been if you can do it, so can I, and if I can do it, so can you.
- I have been a certified Group Exercise Instructor since 1998, have gained, lost and maintained that loss of 50, 53, and 43 lbs respectively, with each baby. Lifetime Health & Fitness is paramount.
- I have been a licensed Real Estate Agent since 1995, though I don’t currently practice, I keep that license to be able to create multiple income streams.
- I have been a certified Financial Counselor and believe with my whole heart, brain and soul that women have the responsibility to ALWAYS maintain even a minimal level of competence in their financial life.
- Lastly, as I could go on and on (and note I just consulted with my then 19 yr old son on this one) I have lived many different lives within my life. I have been a full time stay at home Mom, a part time worker while being a full time Mom, and a full time worker while being a full time Mom. And as with all of us women—a full time wife, girlfriend, friend, worker and the list goes on and on.
The concept of “Market Ready” has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember, it is so ingrained in who I am as a human being, I don’t know any other way…the goal of my blog is to inspire strength, resilience and confidence in each and every one of you.

My first book: Woman Market Ready in 4, 3, 2, 1—ACTION provides the ultimate guide to the 4 fundamentals Woman Market Ready is founded upon.
Don’t delay, get your copy today! ACTION!
Life is the Market, Let’s Be Prepared Together.