The papers have been signed, the keys have been handed over. Now starts all the goodbyes. In a few weeks I will leave the home I have lived in for the last 27 years, voluntarily and without regret. After all a home is only 4 walls and a roof, right—wrong? As a military child I had moved 5 times by the age of 7. At one point in my life I said when I own my own home, I will never leave it. We all need a home base. I used to think my home was that base but when I lost the only unconditional love one really has—the love of a mother for her child, I realized home base has to exist within you. Because everywhere you go, you go with you.
I have had many goodbyes in life. Mostly when leaving jobs. I have met some really great people at the places I have worked. Some I still keep in touch with some I keep in memory as life gets busy and the minute communication travels only one way, most of the time it—communication, stops. I don’t begrudge that as it is simply the rhythm and flow of life. You meet people who are a chapter in your life and then that chapter ends.
Back to home base. My home base consists of these extraordinary women who for some inexplicable reason God chose to bless me with. They are listed in order of acquaintance: Lesley; Tracy; Renee; Marylou; Gia; Kristen; Laura & Jenny. As we were all gathered under one roof recently, my thoughts were not that I won’t be at Ladies Brunch as much or birthday celebrations, my thoughts were consumed with Love. So much Love for so many years for these strangers who became a part of my soul.
So my love letter starts like this.
Lesley, you can deny it as you often do but you are the oldest friend of mine in the CoC, my first anchor to the place I would call home for the next 41 years, I love you.
Tracy, my sweet Tracy, from CCD to Big Y to being the friendship bridge between our two HS’ and to everything in between and now; I just love you.
Renee, you have been my Best Friend for 4 decades. You are the biggest part of my childhood and all of the memories that go with it. I know it hasn’t always been easy being my rock but you have always done it. I love you more than words as there simply aren’t any to relay how much.
Marylou, you are the Best Mother I have ever known. What you bring to my life comes from no other source. I wish there were more words than thank you so I love you Mary will have to do. You will always be my Marychoo!
Gia, you know where you stand in my life. Enough said. I love you with my whole heart & soul.
Kristen, class, grace and Lady, a true Lady. You are one of the strongest people I know who comes in that sweet package. I love you.
Laura, you are the most pragmatic person I have ever known. I admire everything you have built in this world. I love you.
Jenny, she who I have known the least amount of time, I could fill the most pages. There are people you meet that are destined from the very start of their lives to intersect with your life to fill volumes of chapters in their lives’ books. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the timing and only in the rear view mirror do we find out why. I love you more.
Lastly, to all the other friends & acquaintances I have met along my 41 years here in the CoC, thank you for the contributions and friendship you have provided me in this long chapter of my life. It is the solid home base of the town/city you come from that allows you to spread your wings and fly to new destinations.
I will take this home base foundation with me to my new destination and with the utmost hope that I left the CoC better than I found it and pieces of me will remain with you all.
All My Love,
Kim Clark

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