WMR Articles & Recipes

The Perfect Pork Chop

How to Sear and Oven Bake the Perfect Pork Chop

The other day when I made these pork chops, my husband said: can I be honest with you? Sure you can be […]

Nature's Candy

Create that Vacation Weight Deficit Now, So You Can Enjoy Yourself Later!

Controversy, controversy, everywhere there’s controversy, especially when it comes to the “ideal” body image. Before I proceed I want to drop you […]

One Eyed Horseradish Deviled Eggs

A Party and Deviled Eggs seem to go hand in hand. They way you can customize them to the occasion is endless. […]

WMR Articles & Recipes

Coming in 2024

Stepping into the genre of fiction with my new book: The Burden of the Keeper of Secrets

Stay tuned for updates and excerpts throughout my new journey.

WMR Book

I am ecstatic to announce Woman Market Ready's first book: Woman Market Ready in 4, 3, 2, 1—ACTION is now available, in electronic & printed editions, on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks and CreateSpace. While this book is written from one woman's experiences, it was written with the fabric of many women and their prophetic influence interwoven through the threads of our collaborative lives. Thank you to all the Women and Men who always strive to lift each other up in this Arena we call Life!

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WMR Motto

To inspire & empower every Woman to go forth
in confidence in all arenas of life. Life is the Market.

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